Save Money Today by Keeping Today’s Employees Happy
January 18, 2016
Employee turnover is notoriously high in the sub sandwich space and fast food industry at large. This is a problem for managers because turnover equates to lost time and money! It is certainly true that some causes of turnover, such as young employees leaving for college, are difficult to combat; however, managers can still reduce overall turnover through increased employee engagement.
Here at Blimpie, our franchisees and managers limit turnover by showing their employees each and every day that they’re invested in their future and career development. Here are five tips any food franchise business owner can use to do the same at their restaurant:
Foster an “all-in-it-together” culture. People like to feel as though they are part of a team. Not only that, they want to feel like their work and efforts are truly valued. It is up to the business owner and store managers to cultivate a team spirit and show each employee they’re an important part of the restaurant’s success. When owners and managers show an invested interest employees and is willing to pitch in and help get the job done when needed, it demonstrates that everyone is important and each person, from the top down, is working together toward a common goal.
Show appreciation. A simple” thank you” goes a long way toward helping an employee feel good about his or her position because it shows that you’ve taken notice of their efforts. Certainly, incentive programs and employee competitions are also great ways to motivate employees – but there’s nothing like a heart-felt “good work” coming from their boss to make someone feel proud of his or her work.
Train well…and often. Have you ever had that sinking feeling that comes from being asked to do something you think you should know how to do but don’t? It’s demoralizing and frustrating. However, Blimpie provides proper training before and during each employee’s tenure to combat those issues and empower them to feel confident in their roles.
Hold people accountable. Giving negative feedback can be a difficult task for managers because it can be uncomfortable and awkward…but it is vital to successful employee management. When undesirable employee behaviors aren’t monitored and corrected, it creates a negative work environment within which employees have less incentive to do their jobs well. However, when business owners and managers clearly communicate their expectations and hold employees accountable, each employee will bring their best because they know what they need to deliver and understands there are real consequences when they don’t.
Encourage professional growth. Many people who work in the quick service restaurant business are working part-time while they’re attending school/college or pursuing other passions. All-too-often, restaurant owners and managers undervalue these employees and wrongfully assume that accepting part time positions means they aren’t as interested as they should be in professional growth. The better practice is for owners and managers to embrace their role as potential coaches and mentors in the lives of their employees. The best owners and managers inspire their employees to achieve more than they thought possible by helping them learn new skills and rewarding accomplishments with additional responsibilities.
Not only does consistent employee engagement help our managers and franchise owners reduce employee turnover, it also helps them feel better about their own job – because they know they’ve made a big impact in the lives of dozens of Blimpie employees.
Inquire today about the Blimpie franchising opportunity so you can learn how you can launch a successful business with your own roster of passionate employees!